
He was born in Kyoto Japan in 1983.

He attended the violinmaking school of Milan in 2002

He moved in Cremona for study the cremona's antique style

and the progressive technique notably the physical acoustics.

He has partecipated in various exhibitions including

2009 concorso nazionale di liuteria Pisogne, Silver medal for violin.

2010 concorso nazionale di liuteria Pisogne, Gold medal for violin and Bronz for viola.

2014 He realized the Quartet for Stradivari Concert in Singapore.

He's violin used from Mr Alexander Souptel(concert master of Singapore Sym-phony Orchestra)

He’s violins currently used from various musicians in the world

e.g. ・Alexander Suptel ( Solist & Concert Master Singapore Symphony Orchestra) 

・Koji Morishita ( Solist & Concert Master Osaka Symphony Orchestra) 

・Masaki Kimura (Vorspieler of Tokyo Symphony  Orchestra )

・Shigheru Tachiki (Violista, Chief Director JASTA Japan)


Tel : +39 340 489 3298

Mail :

Facebook : Shotaro Nishimura

Instagram : @shotaro nishimura

MAP : via Luigi Voghera 3,21600 Cremona CR ITALIA

-Violin 2020 Orginal model -

-Violin 2019- Guarneri "Vieuxtemps 1741" model-